Jump in a boat and plunge into an imagined, psychedelic dream world. MESS and Soma Lumia have reimagined the Dark Ride: local landmark Penny Royal’s waterborne adventure through the darkest, kookiest recesses of convict Tasmania—transformed by artists with laser beams, hypnotic video art, lights galore and a specially commissioned, out-of-this-world synth-soundtrack. It’s inspired by stories of the afterlife in Greek mythology, where the dead would drink from the river Lethe—which flowed through the cave of Hypnos, the god of sleep—to forget their past lives and thus find paradise.
Featuring a soundtrack composed and performed by the Melbourne Electronic Sound Studio (MESS) and video art from Ashley Bird and Jessica Dorloff.
Presented at Mona Foma, January 2020
Soundtrack - MESS
Video Art - Soma Lumia, with Jessica Dorloff and Ashley Bird
360 video documentation